Increased skin temperature of the leg 腿部的皮肤表面温度上升。
Skin temperature biofeedback instrument 皮温生物反馈仪
Based on your pupil dilation , skin temperature and motor functions 根据你的瞳孔扩张皮肤温度和肌肉运动
Based on your pupil dilation , skin temperature and motor functions . . 根据你的瞳孔扩张皮肤温度和肌肉运动. .
Skin temperature transducer 皮肤温度传感器
General requirements for infrared devices for instant screening of human skin temperature 红外人体表面温度快速筛检仪通用技术条件
2 . the highest skin temperature of head shell should not be over the one of ambient 2指示表头外壳表面最高温度不得超过环境最高温度,如
He would have to evaporate 100 pounds of perspiration per hour to keep his skin temperature below the boiling point of water 同时,每小时他还得排出一百磅的汗液,以保证皮肤温度低于沸点。
The most important first aid for burns and scalds is to reduce skin temperature , pain and prevent wound infection 烧伤与烫伤最重要的急救是减低伤处的热力及痛楚,同时要预防伤口受到细菌感染。
The most important first aid for burns and scalds is to reduce skin temperature , pain and prevent wound infection 烧伤与烫伤最重要的急救是减低伤处的热力及痛楚,同时要预防伤口受到细菌感染。